A flash IF about suicide, grief, and loss.

Rated 4.6 out of 5 stars
(83 total ratings)
GenreInteractive Fiction
Made withTwine
Tagsdepression, Mental Health, Psychological Horror, Romance, sad
Average sessionA few minutes
LinksTwitter/X, Instagram


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Is there a single comment or description of the ACTUAL game here? >_>

Is it even a game?


so since most people are doing this i think i'm gonna too

so... i'm 14, i've been suicidal/doing sh since i was 9... its hard and scary and in 7th grade i tried to off myself almost every week all year till i got sent to the hospital and sadly that only made it worse, i was in the hospital for 13 days and it was hell, then i went home and people cried when they saw me because i didnt really tell anyone about what happened so everyone was scared. there were jokes and bullies and some people didnt believe what happened and i sucked. a while later the same thing happened except i told more people. so trust me when i tell you i know a lot about suicidal thoughts.

my advice is dont die, dont try to die and dont hurt yourself. all of those things are valid but their not worth it. sh is one of the most dangerous addictions and i should know because i have to deal with it every day, please, PLEASE dont hurt yourself ever. its scary and its not worth it, and the worst part is trying to hide it for people you love, so if you've started sh, please tell someone. say something. tell your parent, or your best friend, or your partner, or that one nice teacher, or the kid you say hi to sometimes in the hallway, or someone you hate, or the school nurse, or the helpline (988), just say something to someone, anyone! it helps i promise, it sucks to say but it helps, i have been saved to many times to count and i am so glad. and by the way, the thoughts and the pain never fully goes away, but they fade and with the right support and meds you kinda dont notice it. so tell someone and get help and if you dont know who to tell, tell me.

i love you no matter what, i'm here for you. please, please dont die or hurt yourself and if all else fails, call 988! their here for a reason<3


I'll throw this comment down here because I want you to know from an outside point of view.

 You will be missed.  To the people who don't know you very well, or people who aren't your closest friends or family. There are some of those people who will keep you on their mind. 

 If you'll allow me, i'll tell you a short, true story.

 My step-sibling's boyfriend had attempted to take his own life. 

I was unaware of the situation and what I was about to see and walk upon. 

 I'm not close with my step-sibling's boyfriend, nor are we friends. We've talked once or twice because he's my sibling's partner.

 But most days, even though it's been a few months now, I think about what we found. I think about what could've happened if we didn't take the rope down, or show up sooner. I have terrifying dreams about the situation and him being in harms way. The thoughts and fears and panic won't leave, no matter how much time passes.

I want to try to keep most of the details out of this story, especially since it's a real experience. But I want you to know that people, even if they aren't close to you, will worry about you. They will think about you and miss you.  

 It's easy to say "Oh, no one will miss me." "I have no close friends/ friends around." 

 but there's always someone.

 I love you! stay safe out there!


So... It might be kind of unnecessary, but I'll write it.

My name is Sofia, I'm Brazilian and I'm 15 years old.

I've had suicidal thoughts since I was eleven, I've been doing sh since I was 10 and I've had 13 attempts (one of them being this year.)

This game really hit me hard, because it talks about a supposed "lover", that's how I understand it. (I'm not fluent in English)

I have a boyfriend. Perfect. He's perfect for me, and he takes away my desire to die, but even so, I'm a horrible person and sometimes I end up hurting him. I have thought about dying, even though I am with him. One of those thoughts came to me today. I was about to hurt myself when a gaming website appeared to me.

This game made me rethink a bit and made me cry a lot.

Thank you, person who made this game. We don't know each other and probably never will, but you are very needed. ♡

And thank you to anyone who is reading this little waste of time.

Remember: there are people who care and love you more than you can imagine. You are important :)


I wish you the best ❤ life is beautiful


I hope you stick around Sofia. Theres so much left to uncover in the world. 

(3 edits) (+3)(-2)

I feel I would do this ngl (I literally am thinking of commiting, though my friends are trying to convince me not to.) (Quick edit (Jan/26/2025): I have stopped cutting myself (Bravooo 😧) But one of my 'friends' (Don't know if to call her a friend at this point though I do still talk to her, not a lot) Said that '(name) and (my bestfriend) cut themselves for attention' Like. DEAL WITH BEING COMPARED TO YOUR FRIENDS AND OTHER PEOPLETHEN YOU CAN TALK SHUT UP!! Im venting to a site full of strangers but yeah. BRAVOOOO (Since i'm not cutting myself anymoreee) But I do still have suicidal thoughts. ANDDDDD SURPRISEEEE I have a crush on my friend since first gradeeeee (This wuh luh wuh btw just to let ya know) This was not quick in any way, at all :/


:( you have so much to live for, its really not worth it to take all that away from yourself.


please dont


honestly, its genuinely not worth it. suicide is a permanent solution to temporary problems. nothing lasts forever and I know because I've thought about it aswell and you have people that love and care for you, trying to help and reassure you. please contact someone and don't ever think you have to resort to taking your own life. its not worth it. please trust me


ik how u  feel bro i used to always think about it and the only thing stopping me was religion, but i just picked up a hobby or two and turned my brain off whenever i overthought im not gonna tell u how u should feel but ima tell u how i feel


hey, call 988, their amazing and they help so much because in the long run suicide doesnt really solve things, it just hurts you and others and its scary.

dude listen, i've been there and i've tried and it sucked. you are loved and you would be missed, if not by anyone else by me. i'm here for you okay? its not worth it, stay alive, please<3


EAT TEH BULLET (Sorry guys 😔)




thank you for this game. 10/10


I hope everyone here is doing okay these days. Please be safe and know that people care about you, even if it may not feel like it at times. If you are feeling troubled, maybe professional help is the answer, or talking to a trusted friend about what you are going through. Wish you the best.


this was an amazing experience. really brought back all the memories. 10/10


As someone who was suicidal once, this brought back a lot of emotions I forgot about. Thanks for the experience.


It's great game, but I'd make one small correction. (My OCD iscoming out... Lol)

Unless you prefer going through the painfully long and expensive process to purchase an automatic rifle (aka assault rifle), the semi-automatic is by far the most common rifle in the US wherever it's legal. It'd make more sense to use the term "semi-automatic" versus just "automatic."

Other than that, it's a pretty dark, but interesting story on psychological problems people face with grief.







dcsross さん、ありがとうございます。







(for English speakers feel free to translate just don't post the translation anywhere)

༼/ ༎ຶ ᆺ ༎ຶ༽/


wow... that was very well written ! Love it <3


this was sad... the ending makes me feel.... i dont know, it makes me nervous. the beauty of psychological horror. very well written, and extremely deep ! Love it


Hey so, I thought the game was really good and impactful until the ending. (SPOILERS AHEAD) It kind of felt like the suicide of the player character was being used as some sort of joke? A punchline? It felt like some "ooh haha I got you!! You thought they were gonna die but they didn't!!!" And that really takes away the whole point and meaning of the game for me? I don't think that was the intention, but I think if this is the ending the developer wants, it should definitely be developed more to show that the scenes still matter and that the message still stands? Maybe have the player character think about how they're mentally exhausted, how horrifying it was, etc? 


this hit hard :,)


...i dont understand anything? but after readin comment i guess this is a sad game :/

i guess i dont have emotions


nah me too because the textes are not you knew

Emotions are overrated.

Do you know what the game is about?
I don't have enough space on my laptop to download every game that exist.
And I can't tell if this will be good or bad or just useless.

People commenting here doesn't actually talk about what the game is about.


i was gonna write a comment but I got a rock in my eye, this was sad and I cried, well made dude!


Thank you for playing. I'm happy this is still reaching people years after I made it. :)


This was..sad


im sorry


it’s alright :) I was talking about the game!


I killed my self. o.o Sad game sad game.


feel better soon


im not very articulate so ill just say thank you




love it so much i feel the player (survivor of suicide myself) love it keeping making games! <3


I’m happy it connected 


Really good game, It felt dark and deep, I hope this wasn't inspired from a story of yours, 10/10 thanks for the thinking!


thank you.

re: inspiration. they always are, but that's a good thing.




My lover happens to me suicidal and i used to be to but i read that first line and, to close to home man, got the tears for me


im sorry you experienced that, but I hope it was a bit of a release. these things never really leave you completely. they have a halflife, but are never really gone.


As someone who suffers from depression and suicidal ideations, this hit home pretty hard. I cried. Beautifully written.


I hope you will see this comment. This song and band are very special to me and I hope they help you on bad brain days.


I love the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. Karen has such a haunting voice. Love the recommendation, thank you.


All I can say is ouch. I cried, this is so simplistic yet brings out so much. Thank you.


Thank you for reading it and your kind words.


literal chills. not even kidding. wasn't expecting so much emotion to come out of a simple 5 min play. i love all the different words and the story behind them. you potrayed a serious topic so so well. i hope the creator reads this, but if you considering whether to play or not, you really should. its a great game. 5/5.


Thank you for reading/playing. I'm glad this flashbulb idea reached you, and I'm fortunate you could relate. It was and is a topic that effects my daily life, so it is humbling to know I am not alone.


Uuuh i love it.. i really feel it


Thank you for reading. I am happy you enjoyed it.




Its so daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaark! geeze ı seriously thought the character died


spoilers ;)


Wasn't expecting such depth within a browser game.


Happy to provide a surprise.


Yes! Your other works are amazing as well.


It doesn't take much to make me blush because im so pale but i am blushing thank you.


This is a deep game


Thank you for reading/playing.